News and Notes

Cheerios Recall

Posted: 10/08/2015
Cheerios recall due to accidental inclusion of gluten. If you are gluten sensitive, be aware! To read the full article, please visit the link below. ....

09-23-15 Class Feedback

Posted: 09/23/2015
"I hope this message can get into the right hands. On September 16th I attended the ServSafe Protection Manager Certification held in Pembroke, NH. The trainer for that day was Breanne Mullen. My reason for writing is to express how impressed I was with Ms. Mullen. I’ve been to many trainings, workshops, etc. in my career but I....

Food Safety Fact

Posted: 09/11/2015
If foodborne illness was reduced by 10% through safer handling of food, 5 million Americans wouldn't get sick every year. This is why it's very important to get ‪#‎ServSafe‬ certified. If you'd like to learn more ‪#‎FoodSafety‬ facts, check out our Facebook and Twitter! Credit: CDC ....

Frozen Corn Recall

Posted: 09/02/2015
Frozen corn recall in NY, NJ, PA, VT, MA, IN, OH, KY, MD, VA, NC, FL, MS, and LA. Check your frozen corn if you live in these states! To read the full article, visit: ‪   ....

Back to School Food Safety Tips

Posted: 08/29/2015
It's back to school time! Below is an interesting article about how to insure your child's packed lunch is food safe. #HRFoodSafe #FoodSafety ....

Coriander Powder Recall Due to Possible Salmonella Contamination

Posted: 08/21/2015
Deep Coriander Powder was issued a recall after FDA routine testing discovered traces of salmonella. To read the full article, visit the link below. ....

Common Food Safety Myths Debunked!

Posted: 08/19/2015
A common belief is that it's alright to thaw frozen meat at room temperature on the counter or in the sink, but it's actually unsafe to do so since bacteria grows faster at room temperature. To read about more food safety myths, visit the link below!   ....

05-07-15 Class Feedback

Posted: 05/08/2015
"I just wanted to give you some really positive feedback about the class yesterday. I thought that Breanne was a fantastic instructor. She did a really great job!" -Heather  Excellent job Breanne!   ....
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